Our October Blooming News is ready to read!
Our October edition of the Blooming News is out with some useful tips about getting your garden ready for winter and an update on the ‘exotic’ roundabout.
You can also read all the previous editions here.
Published by Kerry Jenkins on
Our October edition of the Blooming News is out with some useful tips about getting your garden ready for winter and an update on the ‘exotic’ roundabout.
You can also read all the previous editions here.
Here’s our latest newsletter bringing updates and news about planting and leaf clearing and some tips from the RHS for the important tasks for your garden during January. You can also read this years previous editions here.
Our last newsletter of the year is now available to read. Big thanks to our co-editors Carol Miller and Kerry Jenkins for putting these together. Happy Christmas everyone! You can also read all the previous editions here.
Our November newsletter is ready to read featuring news on the mammoth Loo Bed tidy up, the Birmingham Open Spaces Forum recent conference, planting schemes, Christmas wreath workshops and more! You can also read all the Read more…