Business Sponsorship

Moseley in Bloom and Moseley in Lights make the area of Moseley Village more attractive through floral displays in the summer and lights in the winter. The funds for this come through a combination of fund raising, including the Open Gardens event and through the Business Sponsorship Scheme. We receive no public funding and rely entirely on local support, and every penny of every contribution goes directly to paying for the flowers and lights.

St Mary's church wall

This year Moseley in Bloom  has once again provided public floral displays in the centre of Moseley, on St Mary’s Row, Alcester Road near the Dovecote, in Woodbridge Road, and on the two “Welcome to Moseley” signposts.

Lamp-post flowers

Moseley in Lights will launch in the Autumn. The number of lights we can afford to power this winter and the number of floral displays for next summer will depend on sponsorship raised this year.

Christmas tree and lights
Photo credit: Damien Walmsley

You can become a sponsor of MiB and MiL at different levels:

Standard: £100 a year
Premium: £200 a year
Platinum: £500 a year

  • All sponsors will benefit from the year-round enhancement of the village environment.
  • Sponsors names are listed on the Moseley in Bloom website with a link to your website.
  • When we have the next three business to thank, you will be named in a news post on the website, on the Moseley in Bloom facebook page and in other Moseley community Facebook groups.
  • All sponsors will be listed on a poster display by the Christmas tree at the end of the year.
  • Premium sponsors are acknowledged with a plaque on a lamp post in the vicinity of your business. These are installed as soon as your donation is received and will remain in-situ for the following twelve months. They also have their logo on the poster and thank-you video which gets shared on all our social media channels and many local groups.
  • Platinum sponsors can have a plaque in a prime location by the village green. They will be featured at the top of the thank-you poster and in a prominent place right at the start of the video.
  • One contribution covers both the In-Bloom and In-Lights campaigns. You will not be expected to donate twice in one year.

For more information please contact Izzy Knowles 07784 155208

Your information

If you are a new sponsor please give us your details via the online form below. If you are a continuing sponsor and your details are the same as before, then we do not need the form, just make contact to tell us you are going to sponsor again.

As an alternative to filling in the online form you can download and fill in the following document: