Volunteer with Moseley in Bloom
Volunteers are needed for all the activities carried out by Moseley in Bloom. You don’t have to have any specialist knowledge about gardening or anything else, what we are looking for are local people with an interest in Moseley, some enthusiasm for community involvement and some time to help – this can range from a couple of hours a month during the winter months to a few hours a week in the summer. If you do have specialist knowledge or experience to offer, or have a particular interest you want to follow, then let us know on the contact form. Everybody will be welcomed. Volunteers are needed for the following activities:
- Opening your garden during the Open Gardens event
- Helping with Open Gardens, either on the organising team or as a volunteer on the day
- Preparing or growing plants for sale on the monthly plant stall
- Helping at the pop-up plant stalls
- Being a member of the litter-picking teams that clean up the car park and other areas
- Helping with planting schemes in the village
- Helping with the Moseley in Bloom website
- Helping with our social media marketing campaigns to promote the organisation and events
- Writing articles about the work of Moseley in Bloom for local publications
- Organising or helping with fundraising events
- Attracting sponsorship or business donations
- Helping with general admin work
- Serving on our management committee
To volunteer, please complete the form below or ask for one of our members via the community stall at the Farmers Market. We would love to hear from you.