First business sponsor

Published by Jonathan Smith on

Congratulations and a big thank you to Maison Mayci for becoming our first business sponsor for 2022.

Maison Mayci
Maison Mayci with Moseley in Bloom hanging baskets

Remi Faveau, of Maison Mayci, says “We have been sponsoring Moseley in Bloom for many years now and it makes Moseley look so much nicer and helps the community get together and support local business. This what I love about Moseley.” 

Maison Mayci - sponsor plaque
Maison Mayci – premium sponsor plaque

Moseley in Bloom are pleased to facilitate and organise the floral displays. It’s good for business, good for customers if the environment is attractive and appears cared for. Everyone benefits if many people contribute to the community spirit of Moseley.

You can read more about the business sponsorship scheme and how to contribute.